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| Netflix Korea has announced an exciting lineup of dramas for 2022, including Money Heist, The Sound of Magic, and All of Us Are Dead. Read on to learn more about these and other upcoming. Netflix Korea,, Money Heist, The Sound of Magic, All of Us Are Dead

Netflix Korea has announced an exciting lineup of dramas for 2022, including Money Heist, The Sound of Magic, and All of Us Are Dead. Read on to learn more about these and other upcoming.


Money Heist

Money Heist is a Spanish crime drama series that has become a global phenomenon. The series follows a group of criminals who plan and execute a daring heist in the Royal Mint of Spain. Netflix Korea has announced that the series will be available in 2022, with a Korean-language dub. Netflix Korea hat sein Lineup für 2022 Dramen bekannt gegeben. Fans können sich auf eine Reihe von spannenden neuen Dramen freuen. NBA 2K15 My Career Cheats und Unsere geliebten Sommer NJ sind einige der Highlights der neuen Dramen. Fans können sich auf einige spannende neue Geschichten freuen.

Wir alle sind tot

The Sound of Magic

The Sound of Magic is a fantasy drama series about a young girl who discovers she has magical powers. The series follows her journey as she learns to use her powers to protect her family and the world. The series is set to be released in 2022.

Der Klang der Magie

All of Us Are Dead

All of Us Are Dead is a zombie apocalypse drama series set in a high school. The series follows a group of students who must fight for survival against the hordes of zombies that have taken over their school. The series is set to be released in 2022.

Liebe und Leinen

Other Upcoming

In addition to the above series, Netflix Korea has also announced a number of other upcoming. These include the romantic comedy series Love Alarm, the crime drama series Extracurricular, and the fantasy series The School Nurse Files. All of these series are set to be released in 2022.


Netflix Korea has announced an exciting lineup of dramas for 2022, including Money Heist, The Sound of Magic, and All of Us Are Dead. These series, along with other upcoming, are sure to be a hit with viewers. So be sure to keep an eye out for these and other upcoming in 2022.

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